Frequently asked questions

Should you have any questions, please feel free to ask

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The entire process takes 3 days to 4 weeks. It depend on your choice of shipping.

Please refer to our Shipping Policy.

We will ship within 3 working days after receiving orders.

All goods are packaged with extreme care for shipping. However, if something breaks during shipment please let us know!  We are more than happy to work with you on a replacement or refund.

Please check our Refund Policy.

As a common feature of ceramics, details like colors, shape, glaze lines, pattern, weight, etc. are supposed to be different between each pieces. Each ceramic is a unique individual piece.

We work in Japanese and English.

The pages in French and German are translated by a web-based machine.

Note that the machine translation system isn't 100% accurate.
Thank you for understanding.